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Netcore Organizes A Training Programme On Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning For Marketers

Netcore, a Global Marketing Technology Company that offers solutions for enterprises that redefine Digital Marketing, recently organized a corporate training programme on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for Marketers to get an edge in this new age of technology.

Marketers today have moved from a 'batch & blast' approach to a behavior - based approach in their marketing automation strategy. By deploying analytics tools, marketers are able to set smart triggers based on various criteria such as RFM (Recency, Frequency, & Monetary analysis) combined with demographic & category affinity. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, these professionals can derive greater value from their strategies with hyper-personalize campaigns aimed at creating 1:1 customer experiences. These technologies also enable a multi-fold increase in the Customer Life Cycle as AI allows one to harness data, and analyze it to generate insights in response to unpredictable situations, and that too in real time.

The training program provided a framework to evaluate the maturity of an organisation in their Analytics journey and provided fundamentals for Machine Learning techniques and core algorithms. Conducted by experts from the field, the programme included:

  • Learning supervised and unsupervised ML techniques and knowing the right algorithm to choose for a given problem like fraud detection, HR attrition, Churn prediction, Segmentation, Email send time optimization

  • Showcased case studies from various sectors i.e. Banking to Aviation, to address several challenges and understand how to apply the right algorithm for a given problem like fraud detection, HR attrition, Churn prediction, Segmentation, Email send time optimization

  • Group activities where participants brainstormed and presented 360 degree view of customer across various industries like e-commerce, Travel, Banking and Automotive

  • Quiz and open discussions around ML algorithms, techniques and applications in different scenarios for an organisation

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