BeatOGlucometer A Portable Diabetic Patients - Mobile Device Available At Offer Price Of Rs.999/- For A Limited Period
is a portable device that can measure blood sugar and provides instant readings/
results through an android/ IOS app. BeatOGlucometer works on both Android and
IOS platforms. It is not only good looking smart and but it is very useful and
helping device for diabetic patents.
It is a light weight compact pocket sized device
that can work after connecting to your smartphones and tablets. It needs an
android/ IOS app to work and calculate blood sugar.
Glucometer is a portable on the go
device that works after connecting your smartphone device through 3.5mm audio jack slot on your device. This glucometer
device help you to calculate the glucose amount in your blood. It helps you to track blood sugar according
to your diet/ meal and exercise patterns.
Diabetic person
can take it along anywhere even while traveling. It not only measures but it also
has a feature to share the blood suger reading with your dietician, doctor,
friends or family members through its app.
It has a feature to set reminder to
check Blood Glucose on regular intervals during the day. It also has a feature
to store life long data on Cloud Storage. To help diabetic patients it has a free
diabetic education and support in its app to educate them and learn about their
diet and exercise to control blood glucose.
BeatO Glucometer
not only pocket sized but also available on
pocket friendly small price at Rs.999/- only for a limited period.
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